Information Guides

Business Structure Requirements for Offshore Company Registration

Offshore company incorporation gives your business the ability to operate with little government oversight and regulations so that you can make profitable decisions without interference. There are, however, some business structure requirements for offshore company registration that you will need to know before you can create your offshore corporation. The specific requirements that you must follow depends on the kind of offshore organization that you plan to register.

Structure Requirements for Offshore IBCs

If you plan to form an offshore IBC in Panama, then you will need to list organizers, directors, and officers for your company. Panama law requires that your offshore IBC have at least three directors. You can include yourself as one of the directors. You can also choose legal residents of Panama to serve as directors. You can, however, choose people from anywhere in the world regardless of their residency.

You will need three officers to fill the positions of treasurer, secretary, and president. Again, you can choose anyone to serve in these positions. You must, however, choose a different person for each officer position. If you choose, then you can create positions for other officers too, but these positions are not required.

Structure Requirements for Your Offshore Company

Since the specific structure requirements vary depending on the type of organization that you want to create, you can get the most accurate information by contacting Delvalle and Delvalle Attorneys at Law. Delvalle and Delvalle specialize in offshore services for clients all over the world. By contacting them, you can determine which type of offshore company will benefit you most.

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