Law firm services


Panama International Business Company (IBC)

A Panama Company or also known as Panama International Business Company (IBC), because do not do business in Panama, is a juridical person or legal entity created under the law’s authority and capable of rights and obligations. It has a capital stock divided into shares, and stockholders are liable only to extend their contributions.

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Panama Private Foundations (PIF)

A Private Interest Foundation (PIF) is a legal entity wherein a person, denominated as Founder, transfers or donates goods and assets to a Foundation (which is a juridical person subject to rights and duties), the purpose being asset protection and administration in benefit of a beneficiary, who may be the founder of a third party.

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Limited Liability Companies (LLCS)

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a business corporation in which the social capital is divided into social shares with a value equal to or different from that of the partners. Its main and most important characteristic is that the partners’ responsibility is restricted exclusively to the capital provided by each one.

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Panama Bank Accounts

Panama is considered one of the most important financial centers in the world. Panama is gifted with the presence of many international banks as well as local banks. This, along with our unique banking secrecy legislature, legal and economic security, makes Panama an attractive place in which to open banking accounts, reducing the amount of taxes paid by your business.

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Trademark Registration

Thanks to its favorable geographical location, Panama has transformed into one of the most important strategic centers for worldwide patent and trademark registration. This, along with the vigorous commercial activity of the Colon Free Zone and the fact that Panama is a well-known center for trademark registration and protection treaties, makes it very favorable for the owner of the brand to register it in Panama, not only for the brand’s safeguarding but for its use as well.

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Vessel and Yacht Registration in Panama

By eliminating property restrictions, Panama now holds one of the largest Marine Mercantile Fleets in the world. Factors such as the lack of nationality requirements referring to the property of a vessel or yacht registered under a Panamanian Flag, the fact that the owner of the vessel may be a natural person or a corporation, Panamanian or foreigner, no weight or age requirements for the vessel and reasonable registry costs, have made of Panama one of the main open registries for vessels.

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Real Estate & Investment Council

What to do if you wish to purchase property in Panama? What are the rights and duties of Purchasing party and the Selling Party within the Promise to Purchase Contract and in the Purchase itself? How to safely purchase property in Panama? How to purchase a property through a Corporation or a Panama PIF (Private Interest Foundation)?

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Immigration Services in Panama

If you’re planning on retire or just residing in Panama, whether it is temporally or permanently, or are thinking about making some investment in our country, Delvalle & Delvalle can provide consulting in everything related to:

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