immigration services

Personnel hired by a branch of a Multinational Company

Permanent Resident Visa

Foreigners that work as trusted workers, technicians or coaching in branch offices of Multinational Companies, whose income comes from a source abroad may apply for this permit, under Law 41 of 2007.

This visa will be granted for up to six (6) years, and may be extended yearly.


  • Police and Criminal Records, issued in the place of residence for the last two (2) years, duly stamped, sealed and authenticated by a Panamanian consulate.
  • Original passport with a minimum of 6 months left of validity.
  • Four (4) carnet sized pictures.
  • Certification issued by the Technical Secretariat of the Multinational company branch office License Commission, where it states that the applicant is insured by an individual or collective health insurance and that the company is authorized under the special regimen established with Law No. 41 of 2007
  • Letter of responsibility of the company that states the position, functions, salary and that the source of said salary is abroad

In case of dependents:

  • Marriage and birth certificates for any children under the age of twenty five (25) that depend on the applicant, duly sealed and authenticated by a Panamanian Consulate.
  • A letter of responsibility for the dependents. (Model provided by Delvalle & Delvalle)

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