Plan C: Incorporation of Foundation + Nominee Founder + Nominee Foundation Council + Bank Account
Fundaciones de Interés Privado
- Foundation Charter through which the Private Interest Foundation is formed properly inscribed in the Public Registry of Panama, in Spanish and English (English upon request from the client).
- Original Certificate from the Public Registry stating the existence of the Foundation (Good Standing Certificate).
- Nominee Founder & Nominee Foundation Council.
- Signed resignation of the Nominee Foundation Council.
- A sample of the Regulations of the Foundation.
- General Power of Attorney for Administration issued by the Foundation Council in a private document.
- Documents with Apostille (Legalization).
- Legal Fees for the first year in concept of the Resident Agent.
- Courier expenses.
- Bank Account introduction with bank of preference.
Nota: Para mayor información sobre los costos de nuestros planes y anualidades, no dude en contactarnos.
Para consultas sírvase comunicarse al +507 3902890, via Skype / Chat o completando el siguiente formulario de contacto.
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